Demystifying publishing starts with imagining what your life is like with your book done. You have this high quality published book, bringing you leads and clients and opportunities. And it instantly positions you as an expert in your market, in your industry, your field. And you never have to worry about competing for business.


You are the expert. The thought leader. You’ve written the book. And you get to wake up every day with time-, money-, location-, and creative- freedom (as you define them). You get to share your message, make a difference, and attract all the money you want. And do it in a way that fits your life and lifestyle.

So if you want to create the book YOU want — and that will transform your business & life — then pay extra attention to what we’re about to share.
Because publishing success comes from understanding how the process actually works — and by clearing up the most common misconceptions — so you can walk across the publishing finish line with ease.


“Much publishing is done through politics, friends, and natural stupidity.” — Charles Bukowski


Let’s avoid all of that. (No offense to friends.)

Instead, you can take back your time, eliminate overwhelm, and eliminate overspending so you can This is how to make the best choices for your book, your brand, and your business.

AND GREAT NEWS! You no longer need a traditional publisher to be a successful published author.

But, how do you know who to trust?

  • Ask for referrals.
  • Look at reviews of the people that you’re interested in working with.
  • Make sure you know exactly what you’re receiving, get it in writing, and make sure you’re crystal clear before signing a contract or paying for anything.
  • Trust your gut. Don’t negate that.


And make sure you understand the strategy for your book. Because most publishers don’t do anything other than publish.


For the kind of book that you want to bring into the world, you’ll want a complete solution for your book (business development, book writing, revenue generation, publishing, marketing, launching, and leveraging)…

… instead of an incomplete answer that doesn’t help your business (and may cost you a lot of money).


But, What About My Book Advance?


Watch out for ‘old school thinking’ like, “It’s better to be traditionally published, than self published.”

99% of the time, that’s not the case.

Keep in mind is that a traditional publisher is operating a business. So their goal is to sell as many books as possible. So when you look at it — from their point of view — they’re going to minimize risks and conserve as much of cash as possible. That’s how they make their money.

  • This is why they take as much as 90% in royalties.
  • This is why you won’t get an advance.
  • This is why they don’t do any of the marketing.


Working with a traditional publisher, is like betting against the house. When you visit a casino, you might experience the benefits of front, but in the long run, the house always wins.

Here’s what to expect with a traditional publisher:

  1. You sign away all the rights to your book (your intellectual property). They now own it, and they can now do whatever they want with it.
  2. They can change the content. And rarely do you get have any input into the cover design, or even the final manuscript.
  3. Frequently, they choose the title.

But you say, “What about my advance?”

Traditional publishing has changed, almost nobody gets an advance these days, and the amounts are small for those that do. Publishers won’t give you an advance if they don’t know if they’re going to be able to sell your books.

(Because most of the books from traditional publishers are essentially ‘educated guesses’ for what might work. Or might not.)

Yes, there are people who get that million dollar advance. But those are the folks who have a big audience or following and are almost guaranteed to sell a million dollars worth of books.

On top of that, you can’t submit your manuscript directly to a publisher. You have to go through literary agent (who will,. by the way, also take a percentage of your royalties). That means you have to find an agent that’s even interested in your book in the first place, because they’re also going to go through a vetting process.

And then if the agent decides to take you on, you’re going to need to write a proposal… like a 35 page sales letter, “selling” your book to the publishers.


So why go anywhere near that mess?


How about you?

Do you want to give up your creative freedom and the rights to your intellectual property.

Want someone to change your message?

Or your voice?

Imagine the terrible feeling of putting all this effort into writing something that’s real and true and authentic to you… and now they’ve totally changed it around.


The only people you need to resonate with are your ideal clients. You don’t need permission, approval, or ANYTHING from a publisher.

Unless it’s strategically relevant (otherwise, don’t do it)!


And if you’re still not sure, you can find more answers here…

THE PODCAST & BOOK ROADMAP: The Simple Way To Create A Global, Thought Leadership Masterpiece (In Just 6-9 Months)

Happening June 17 and 18.

• Bust the MYTHS & MISCONCEPTIONS about podcasts, books, and video podcasts — that keep most people stuck — so you can stop losing your time, energy, money and life!

• Make a MEANINGFUL IMPACT with a book, podcast, or tv talk show that you’re proud of.

• THE PODCAST & BOOK ROADMAP is free. It’s online. You get four(4) amazing experts and you’re going to love it!


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash