If you’re like me, you want to make a bigger impact in the world. And if you think about it, making a bigger impact comes down to one key thing: using more influence in every aspect of your communication and leadership.


When you use more influence—and do it ethically—you inspire more people to take action that’s good for them and good for you (win-win). This means more success for you, your organization or business, and those you serve. Writing a book is a great way to make this happen. When you do this, it’s easier for your audience, customers, collaborators, and clients to:

1. Find you and connect with you
2. Sign up for your list
3. Follow you and share on social media
4. Purchase your products
5. Invest in your services
6. Bring you more word-of-mouth referrals
7. Give you the opportunity to lead them or help them so they can create more influence and impact with their business, in their workplace, or in their life

Creating more influence by writing your book is a simple, effective way to use your business or organization for making real, positive change happen today and to lay the foundation for your unfolding legacy in the future.


Having a book is a powerful way to unify and clarify your positioning and messaging, especially:

1. For face-to-face conversations, on the phone, recording a video, creating a product, running a meeting, or speaking to an audience
2. During your speech, webinar, or training—so you can inspire more people, give them a new perspective, and show them powerful and positive next steps on the road to their success
3. In how you communicate—so you can move yourself, your team, or your organization into action
4. On your website—so the right people will be engaged, read your content, and join your list
5. Inside your emails—so people will open, read, and click to take action
6. In your LinkedIn summary—so the opportunities you want will come your way
7. During your discovery call or on your sales page—so you can rocket your influence, get more clients or customers, and make a bigger impact

In a nutshell, writing your book (whether it’s your first or next one) is powerful and will help bring more leads, clients, and opportunities—even before you publish!


Because your book gets your clients, customers, colleagues, and audience inspired and excited about who you are and what you offer, so they can take action.

No matter what, people must understand that you are authentic, that you understand them, and that you care. (That’s why they’re going to choose you over the 100s if not 1,000s of other choices out there.)

Your book helps inspire people to take action that’s good for them, good for you, and good for everyone in the mix.

Your Mission: To Inspire More People to Say YES—to Your Ideas, Vision, Message, Product, or Service—Again and AGAIN!


Take a look at history and take a look at what’s happening in our world right now. Influence is powerful (and sometimes scary) stuff.

In the wrong hands and used the wrong way, influence can be dangerous to your health, happiness, safety, spirituality, dignity, legacy, and freedom.

But in the right hands (like yours), just imagine what can happen when influence is used the right way! With more influence, you’re able to inspire more people to take action. More people will say yes to you.

And remember: this is your one, single mission—no matter what. This is the one thing that absolutely must happen for you to succeed.

Your entire vision, mission, and message hinge on this.

You must inspire more people to keep saying yes!


(Otherwise, you won’t have the influence and impact
you want.)

This is how people get to know, like, and trust you. They understand that you’re an expert, authority, thought leader, or influencer who connects the dots from what they want and need—to who you are and what you offer.

Thanks to your book, there are lots of powerful, valuable ways that people can (and will) say yes to you.

10 of the “big ones” are:

1. Choosing to visit your website, subscribing to your list, and opening your emails
2. Clicking on your call-to-action, joining your webinar, and investing in your coaching, training, or product
3. Connecting with you on LinkedIn or contacting you for an interview
4. Hiring you for a leadership position or consultancy
5. Inviting you to speak or train (onstage or online)
6. Offering you a partnership or an appointment
7. Investing in your services or events
8. Doing your marketing for you by telling their colleagues, clients, and community all about you
9. Signing up for your mastermind or leadership program
10. Actually ‘doing the work’ that will help them achieve the transformation they’re looking for!

QUESTION: Which of those 10 “big ones” apply to you?


No matter who you are and what you do, these 10 “big ones”—these 10 yeses—are so important because they will help move your business forward fast.

It all starts by using more empathy, story, and thought leadership, whether you’re face-to-face, online, onstage, or on the phone.

The Influence With A Heart® Method


(more) Loving-Kindness +
(more) Empathy +
(more) Story +
(more) Thought Leadership +
= Influence With A Heart®

• Loving-kindness happens when you relax your head, relax your face, smile, and feel the love in your heart.

• Empathy gives you the opportunity to see the world through another person’s eyes. It creates connection and is the foundation for relationships based on trust.

• Stories create inspiration and an emotional experience for your reader or listener because they reach people’s hearts as well as their minds.

• Thought leadership is your “secret sauce.” (More on this later.)

You can use this framework anytime, anywhere, with anyone: in person, online, onstage, on the phone, in a training, in a video, during a speech, or in a meeting. And especially when writing your book.

When you use more empathy, story, and thought leadership, you’ll automatically increase your influence, every time you communicate. You’ll inspire and invite more people to say yes to making a choice that’s good for them and good for you, whether it’s opening your email, joining your presentation, or joining your team.

Whether you’re a leader, consultant, coach, speaker, entrepreneur, or small business owner imagine how many lives you can impact with your ideas, message, vision, product, or service!

(And when you’re ready, I can help. Here’s how…)


• THE PODCAST & BOOK ROADMAP: The Simple Way To Create A Global, Thought Leadership Masterpiece (free, 2 days, online, guest speakers)
• If you want to get your book done fast, start attracting revenue, and have a custom publishing roadmap, then 5 Week Book Mastery is the way to go.
• Go full tilt boogie in Book Profit Mastery Mastermind (comprehensive writing/publish/positioning plus profiting/launching/leveraging.)

Go and take a look because I’d love to collaborate with you on your book, message, and impact so you can move to the next level of the freedom, business, & life you love!