I just realized how much Mother Goose is messing with my head!


(She’s probably messing with yours as well.)

I was at a community gathering in San Francisco.

To kick things off, we were guided through a body scan to help us let go of the tension that we unknowingly hold in different parts of our body.

As I was invited to bring attention to the sensations in each part of my body, I became more and more relaxed.

Eventually, we got to my toes.

As I became aware of my sensations, the 5 lines from This Little Piggy flashed into my mind.

1. “This little piggy went to market,

2. “This little piggy stayed home,

3. “This little piggy had roast beef…

[Wait, WHAT?!]

(At this moment, my body quakes.)

[WHY THE HELL is this little piggy eating ROAST BEEF?]

[I’ve heard this poem for decades.]

(Then the poem concludes…)

4. “This little piggy had none.

5. “And this little piggy went wee, wee, wee, all the way home!”

I remember being 4 years old, giggling as my grandmother touched each of my toes (piggies)…

And when she said “wee, wee, wee” she would tickle me, from my toes up to my neck.

(More giggles.)

So now, several decades later, I’m thinking about Mother Goose messing with my head.

I’m thinking of how so many of those “children’s fairy tales are so twisted. How our collective unconscious is expressing itself in super dark ways.

(“Why yes, let’s tell this to our young children!)

And then it goes deeper for me:

1. There are so many things that we think, believe, and don’t question because, “it’s always been like that”.

2. So many misunderstandings about race, gender, sexual orientation, women, men, sex, politics, war, abortion, guns, children, human rights, animal rights, plant rights, religion, the environment, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sugar, meat, (and the list goes on)…

3. It can be hard to wake up because, lots of time, it’s easier to stay asleep.

4. If you want to be the best expression of you, then it’s your responsibility to KEEP WAKING UP!

5. This is how you align your soul with what life (the Universe / God/dess Spirit, etc.) is asking you to do.

So now that you’re seeing behind the curtain… let me ask you these 3 questions:

What’s asking you to wake up?

What’s the leap that life is calling you to take right now?

What are you going to do about it?

(I’m going to feed the little piggies roast BEETS instead.)

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