Donna Kunde and I have an amazing case study… we created a global radio show and podcast which became a live event and book (all in just 8 months)!


It started with me being on a season of her show, Business Podcasting Made Easy. And in that adventure, we realized how closely books and podcasts are related (at the core).

So we created a whole bunch of stuff that’s helping lots of leaders, speakers, consultants, coaches, and small business owners.

(Especially the ones who want to make a bigger impact.)


1. So we’re celebrating that the event just happened last weekend (The Podcast and Book Roadmap). It was FANTASTIC!

2. And the book is due to be released in September (we’re submitting the manuscript for final editing at the end of June).

3. As I shared, we just did The Podcast and Book Roadmap which had people registered from 23 countries. Story was one of the biggest themes throughout.

4. As a result, we’ve just introduced The Influencers Formula™ Roadmap (and how it relates to some of the biggest questions about podcasts, books, income, and impact. It’s a 4 month mentorship with implementation.

Here’s how it works.

1. First, you build/amplify/rebrand your business (30 days mentorship with Donna & Ben)

2A. Then, you create a podcast (+ one year (52 episodes) of a podcast. (3 months) with Donna


2B. You write/finish your book (3 months) with Ben

Here’s a video:

And here’s a PDF summary.

We invite you to schedule a call to chat with us (this week only) to see if this is a way for you to elevate your business, share your story, and make an impact.

Hope to see you soon!


Donna Kunde is co-author of THE INFLUENCERS FORMULA book, the producer of more than 14,000 podcasts and co-Founder of With her own international business radio station (and network), Donna is amplifying more than 70 experts (in 14 countries), reaching listeners in more than 183 countries, and delivering worldwide transformation, every day.

Ben Gioia is an almost four-time best-selling author, podcast, and international radio show host who helps folks make an impact as an expert with their book, enjoy 5-figure speaking fees, and get leads, clients, & partners BEFORE publishing! He’s trained hundreds of millionaires and helped a Fortune 100 create an empathy video game for 20,000 employees.