If you stop and think about it, The Influencer’s Formula™ Roadmap (IFR) is a lot of high-impact goodness wrapped up in a little package.

  • Be seen
  • Be heard
  • Be easy to follow
  • Be the solution

That’s it.

It’s sequential, it’s dynamic, and it’s proven.

And it’s geared to help you make the good choices that bring high-ticket clients and profitable opportunities instead of the bad choices that easily lose you dozens of years and millions of dollars.

It’s an empowering roadmap for stepping up and into global thought leadership with the right mindset and presence and a product/service that changes businesses and lives.

It works at the roots by unblocking impostor syndrome, procrastination, and overwhelm, which keep most people from getting their podcast, book, video podcast, or TV talk show done.

It’s focused on helping you attract high-ticket revenue right out of the gate by developing relationships.


It’s the Antidote to What Doesn’t Work. Here are a few things that don’t work.

  1. Creating a podcast, book, or TV talk show without talking to your ideal clients about what you’re creating
  2. Not elevating, educating, and inspiring your readers, listeners, or viewers
  3. Not articulating or magnifying the problem/pain/challenge to move the needle
  4. Too much information and not enough implementation, accountability, community, and support


So, we take you back to The Influencer’s Formula™ Roadmap.”

  • Be seen
  • Be heard
  • Be easy to follow
  • Be the solution


And then it’s all just you, three magical ways:

  1. Inspiring and inviting people to change their thoughts so they can choose to change their behaviors and take action that’s good for them and good for you
  2. Offering unique perspectives, tools, techniques, possibilities, and transformation to your clients, customers, colleagues, or audience
  3. Making a bigger impact, making your business more successful, and helping move the world forward


But Do You Really Know Who You’re Talking To?


Suppose you want to connect and develop a trusting relationship with your prospect, customer, client, colleague, or audience. In that case, you’ll want to communicate in their language about the things that are the most important to them.

This means using the exact words and phrases they use when they describe their challenges, fears, frustrations, needs, experiences, hopes, goals, desires, and dreams.

Around the world, we speak different languages, practice different customs, and do different things. This is reality, and it occurs from country to country, business to business, culture to culture, generation to generation, situation to situation, and person to person.

It’s critical to get clear on what’s important to people—and how they talk about it—so you can create the most effective communication, rapport, and connection. To get started, do your research, talk to people, and make sure you’re as clear as possible with these three things:

  • Key data (demographics) that can be measured include gender, age, income, marital status, etc. These are the “dry” (perhaps) and vitally important facts about your clients, customers, employees, team, market, or audience.
  • Group trends (psychographics) such as behaviors, hobbies, spending habits, values/principles, product usage, opinions, where they hang out online, interests, and lifestyle choices.
  • Individual purpose and passion (sociographics) that goes deep, giving you an understanding of what motivates people: their personal needs, attitudes, fears, frustrations, goals, dreams, and what gives meaning to their lives.


Then lots of good things happen!


You will connect with people on an emotional and experiential level, which is what you want. Then you have the right language for better marketing, more influential communication, creating tailored products and services, and leadership that creates transformation.

Knowing as much of this information as possible will help you expand your sphere of influence as you discover other people connected to your prospect, client, customer, or audience. This allows you to serve a wider range of people, businesses, or organizations.

Here’s how to uncover this information:

  • Ask questions about people’s biggest challenges
  • Do your research
  • Email a survey to your list
  • Make phone calls
  • Give a talk
  • Offer a webinar
  • Start or participate in a LinkedIn, mastermind, or networking group that feels aligned


The more you know about your clients, customers, audience, colleagues, and market—from their day-to-day experiences to the deep, emotional, keep-you-up-at-night details—the more successful you will be.

  1. You’ll connect, communicate, and lead better
  2. You’ll reach more people with your ideas and message
  3. You’ll create a shared human connection and experience while getting people excited about who you are, what you’re about, and how you will impact their business, life, or both
  4. You’ll create superior products and services that deliver exceptional value (based on what your people want and need because they’ve told you)
  5. You’ll discover even more people like them to serve (since you’ve clearly articulated who you help and how you help them)
  6. You’ll energize even more people with your vivid vision of the future and show them how to get there


And writing your book, creating your podcast—or both—is a great way to wrangle your thinking and wisdom into one place.


Where does it start? Talk to people about the thing you’re creating so you know that it will work. While there’s no 100% guarantee, you get pretty darn close…


… IF you have conversations with your ideal client about the thing you’re creating, and you’re getting the answers from the proverbial horse’s mouth.


If you remember nothing else, MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS.

Make sure you know what people want and need before you create your book or podcast.

Then get it done!


Because there people are searching for your solution right now!


And we’d love to help!

Let’s get your podcast and/or book done.

We invite you to schedule a call here with Donna Kunde and Ben Gioia (authors of THE INFLUENCER’S FORMULA™). Let’s find the best way for your to bring your message to the world and make the impact you want… in a way that supports who you are.