Writing your book is not going to make you happy.


(Yet, I’m not saying that in a bad way.)


But if you’re relying on happiness that you will belive will come from writing your book, you may be in for a long, long, hard and unhappy road.


(This just came up with an author client of mine.)

Because writing a book is going to ask a lot of you.


To look at the truth.

To look at YOURSELF.

To look at what’s going on in the world around you and how you want to serve. How you want to help elevate consciousness. 


How you want to fully express yourself here in the world.


So when you take that kind of stand… when you put on that kind of mantle… when you say YES to that clarion call…

So much more happens, than just writing a book!



You’re going to discover more of who you are, why you’re here. Where you shine — and where you’re scared‚ and everything in between.


So when you write and release your book — and you do it the right way — you’re going to create all sorts of strategic success and transform all kinds of lives.


So much more, than ever before.


You’re actually nurturing your happiness at its core.



You’re feeding it with what you discover… when you open up yourself, open up your heart, an open up to all of who you are.


(through the experience of writing your book)


To the possibilities.


To the joys and exaltedness of who you are and who you have the opportunity to be!


So when you write your book, don’t make it your goal, but rather a tool that supports your happiness, success, and impact.


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Photo: Matthew Henry on Unsplash