(This is some of what I teach in my Write Your #1 Bestselling Book in 5 Weeks program… perfect for you inf you’re a leader, speaker, coach, or consultant with a BIG IDEA.)


You want to choose stories that inspire people to change their ideas, change their minds, and make things happen.


Your stories need to paint the pictures — that give people the opportunity to know, like, and trust you — while seeing you as a unique thought leader, expert, or authority who cares about them.


Stories are important for positioning your value as well as your expertise.


When you speak the truth and help people understand the benefits of your offer (money, time, energy, etc.), it’s easy for them to invest in you and get the best possible value from their engaged involvement.


Here’s how:


1. Choose 3 stories about yourself that clearly indicate you are a reliable source of information and a go-to person in your field.


2. Come up with 5 brief anecdotes or illustrations that connect the dots from who you are and what you offer… to the outcomes that people want.


3. Think of all your unique stories. What can you share that expresses YOU, the unique and wonderful YOU?


4. Capture a story that helped inspire your purpose or speaks to the beautiful heart that you have.


5. Select your 3 biggest professional successes and write about them (in a way that shows tangible outcomes).


That’s it!


A cornucopia of goodness that will help you stand out in the minds (and hearts) of the people you serve.


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Ready to write your book? I can show you how to do it in 5 weeks.


Proven system – I did it with my book (and I can tie the book to over $200,000.oo for my business in the last 3.5 years).


Want some of that in your world? Let’s talk for a few minutes here: https://www.influencewithaheart.com/connect


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Photo by: Raj Eiamworakul