To not even contemplate failure…


This was a great reminder from a lovely little book by Dorothea Brande (in 1936) called, Wake Up & Live!

Act as if it’s impossible to fail.


Ask yourself, “what would I be doing right now if it were truly impossible for me to fail at (i.e. writing my book)”.

This isn’t imagining.

This is engaging with reality.

It’s moving toward an inevitable outcome, by (first and foremost) recapturing the STATE OF MIND of when you succeeded at something in your past.

It’s not the elation after the success, but the recognition that “you got this”. (Because you’ve succeeded before.)

You remember a success from the past. You handled a situation. And you took the right steps to make it happen.

That’s the success sequence that you want to envision.

Think about it…

If you were absolutely certain of the outcome (now) as you were with that past action, how would you feel? How would you act? What’s your state of mind as you launch into your book?

Fix your attention on experience and make it your working frame of reference.

Then hold it for a little bit. And when you feel ready, get cookin’!

You’ll see that you no longer have to push yourself to do the work. Instead, all your energy is free to push the work along.

(Because before, you were pushing against your own inertia, which manifested in an array of self-sabotage.)

Now, you can do your thing until you actually get tired (or the timer goes off). 

Then if you get attacked by any fears, doubt, etc… simply relax your head, face, smile, and breathe.


Then again, act as if it’s impossible to fail. And enjoy your new life!