
Do you remember that moment?

Let me take you there…

You feel a flutter of excitement in your belly. Coffee is coming. You know it.

And you can already smell it.

You’re aware of yourself as you look around at your surroundings — and at the other diners — as they eat breakfast.You take a few, deep, nourishing breaths as you recognize some familiar faces. It’s nice to see people you know.

As you hear the sounds of forks and knives gently hitting the plates nearby, it’s clear that many people already have their coffee.


You notice a twinge of jealousy toward the other patrons, as well as impatience at your server (and the cook that you can’t see) because you don’t have your coffee… yet.

Then you acknowledge that sometimes your mind just churns out stories like these… and you don’t need to “buy in” to the noisy, negative, incessant chit-chat.

You also realize that you’re happy, because you know what it’s like to experience, enjoy, and be grateful for the gift of coffee.

And… it’s coming soon!

So you take a moment, take a few deep breaths, and then smile…

Because the kitchen door just opened, and here comes coffee! Your mouth starts watering because you know the salty magic that’s about to dazzle your palate….

So you offer thanks (and perhaps a little affirmation or prayer) for all of the great things in your life. Like coffee.

And then, you take a sip.


• • •

The preceding “coffee experience” is one way of describing mindfulness.

It doesn’t mean that drinking coffee = practicing mindfulness. Nor does it mean that you MUST drink coffee… to be mindful.

It does mean you have the opportunity to practice mindfulness in every moment of your day (and get the benefits) at work and home, no matter what you’re doing.

“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).”

— James Baraz

The coffee experience offers these 10 examples of mindfulness:

  1. Intentionally remembering an event/experience.
  2. The present-moment physical awareness of yourself: via the sensations in your belly; the movement of your arm as you give the menu to the server; and the feeling of your body in contact with your seat.
  3. Acknowledging a piece of information (coffee is coming).
  4. Recognizing that you’re anticipating an event (coffee is coming).
  5. Being cognizant that you’re smelling coffee.
  6. Breathing… and knowing that you’re doing it, as you’re doing it.
  7. Your awareness of yourself, your physical surroundings, ambient sounds, people around you, and feeling good because it’s nice to see folks you know.
  8. Remembering that your mind is a “thought factory” that pumps out a lot of noise (on top of —  and in spite of — your wisdom and insights)
  9. Offering gratitude to honor and acknowledge your blessings.
  10. Being present… as you take your first sip.

So What Comes Next?

After reading this:

  • Some people go out for coffee.
  • Those who don’t drink coffee consider what they just read, through a different beverage lens.
  • Most see how simple it is to bring more mindfulness into their work and into their lives.

What comes next for you?

• • •

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