It’s Time To Stand Taller (Poem)

It’s time to stand taller.

Deep inside, you know what I mean.


Standing taller.


Stepping it up… from the inside, out.


Something inside of you is hearing that call… the one that whispers, then speaks, then SHOUTS into your soul.


It’s time to stand taller. Every single day.


What we see and accept — in the world around us — is what we see and accept within ourselves.


There is no outside. There is no “other”. There is only now.


So it’s time to stand taller.


You were born into a body, brain, and heart — with more power, potential, and possibility — than anything like fear, or hate, or injustice.


You (and I) live a better life – than the vast, vast majority of people (and animals) – on this planet. Whether you call that luck, a gift, blessing, karma, or privilege…


…it’s time for all of us to stand taller.


To be still… for a breath, or two, or three…


And then to take the action that we can take, right now.


So I invite you to be still…


For (at least) one breath.


And listen to the answers that come from inside as you read these 4 questions:


1. What can you do… starting right now?


2. How can you love yourself, even more, starting right now?


3. How can you stand even taller, starting right now?


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Photo: Austin Neill

Marketing With A Heart by Ben Gioia