Are you a smart person making these 7 common communication mistakes? (Better make sure.) They keep you from creating greater income, influence, and impact.

My friend Jorge is a dynamic and dynamite speaker.

The first time I saw him, I was riveted. He delivered the perfect combination of information, inspiration, and stories that made his teaching come alive…and influenced a powerful perspective shift in his audience.

But when I saw how he writes…

(Have you ever noticed that some smart, influential people don’t write the way they speak? That’s Jorge.)

When he speaks to an audience—or one-to-one—he’s flawless.

His written words—however—are kind of flawed.

And this a big problem because people aren’t subscribing to his email list. (Jorge wants to build his list so he can create more business (and not rely solely on speaking gigs and referrals)).

So he and I spent some time looking at his website, emails, blog posts, and the language (and incentive) he’s using to invite people to join his list. I analyzed what he wrote…with an understanding of what he was trying to accomplish.

His 7 biggest communication issues (which are common for many consultants, industry leaders, experts, authors, and thought leaders) were these…

(Or said another way, 7 Ways To Muck Up Your Message.)

1. Too many words and too many big words.

2. Too many ideas, at once, that are too complex and abstract.

3. Too many tangents, sidebars, and open loops.

4. Too many long sentences with too many commas.

5. Too little focus on what the client (customer, and / or audience) really needs (not what you think they need);

6. Too little focus on this person’s fears / frustrations / challenges / aspirations / goals / dreams—described from their perspective and experience—and using the words and phrases they use to describe what’s happening in their business or life.

7. Too little focus on “connecting the dots”. What kind of transformation are you offering? Why is this so important in this person’s business and / or life? Why are you uniquely suited to serve this person (or these people), more than anyone else out there?

Basically, most smart people learned to write wrong.

(It happened to me as well.)

The results? 

  • Fewer people read. Not so many take action. Hardly anyone buys.
  • Less reach, response, and results (lots of wasted time, money, and energy).
  • Less impact.

Like Jorge.

So I offered a solution that he was able to implement right away.

Record what you say and get it transcribed.

Here’s why it works:

Jorge is one helluva speaker and makes things happen when he’s in front of his audience.

“…the perfect combination of information, inspiration, and stories that made his teaching come alive…and influenced a powerful perspective shift…”

Just like Jorge, when you create any kind of content…whether it’s an email, blog post, training, speech, video, book, Facebook post, webinar, information product…basically anything…you’ll want to communicate with people in YOUR VOICE.

Not your academic voice. Not your business voice. YOUR VOICE.

The voice that speaks the truth and explains who you are, what you do, why you do it…and helps people understand that you can help them overcome their challenges and reach their dreams.

Since the words from Jorge’s mouth are clearly hitting their mark, all he needs to do is get them down on paper, so to speak.

Then he can use HIS EXACT WORDS (the ones that are inspiring and influential) to write his emails, update his website, refine his LinkedIn summary, and make his optin content even better and even more valuable.

So, here’s how Jorge did it, and here’s how you can do it too.


Create an outline (as you would for a speech, presentation, article webinar, or training) that describes:

• who you are, what you do, and why you’re uniquely suited to do it…like nobody else on the planet

• the transformation you help people create—at home, at work, or in their lives…and connect this to your story. How did you earn this wisdom and knowledge?

• The 3 steps / ways / methods so this person can begin that transformation, starting today.

• What’s the next step for this person to take?

Then talk your way through it in your own voice, record it, and get it transcribed. 

Because when you communicate with people in “your voice”, you are able to:

1. connect deeply with them (whether it’s your prospects, customers, clients, colleagues, and / or anyone that’s important for your business) on an emotional level…

2. instantly create rapport…so you can give them the opportunity to know you, like you, trust you, and see that you are a credible authority;

3. deliver valuable information that provides a powerful transformation in their businesses and in their lives;

4. invite them to take action that’s good for them and good for you.

So, are you ready to record?

I look forward to reading your words…in “your voice”.

• • •

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