Everything you and I create begins in the mind and the heart: inspiration and insight… coupled with passion, intention, and the desire to bring things to life.

Put another way, what we think, say, and do creates our reality (in that order).

Uncountable numbers of scientists, leaders, athletes, spiritual masters, and high performers have proven this.

That’s why so many people who are committed to achieving their goals and dreams dedicate time, energy, and intention to BE-ing the success that they want to achieve.

(BE —> Achieve –> Do)

Whether it’s winning a gold medal, public speaking, self-healing, or just relaxing, the power of affirmative thinking, imagination, and visualization is astounding.

So I want to invite you into a brief imagination and visioning exercise (5 steps).

  1. Start by taking a couple of deep breaths. Take a few moments to connect to your unique sense of purpose.
  2. Imagine you’ve succeeded in every way you want (don’t limit yourself).
  3. Feel, in your heart and body, what that will do for you, your business, and the people you serve!
  4. Hold that beautiful, powerful vision — and the feeling of the future you want — in your awareness for 2 or 3 breaths.
  5. Now, create your story and visualize what you want to happen, happening successfully… (whether in the next 3 minutes, the next 3 months, or the next 3 years).

• • •

If you’re a kick-ass, heart-based woman and you want to create more success in your business and your life, then click here for 79 minutes of free mentoring with me. >>


Only available until Sunday, 
11:59pm Pacific)




Here’s What You’ll Learn:


1. Discover the surprising method I used to attract two of my biggest, most lucrative clients and get my teachings & message to 20,000+ people.

2. Understand why a Fortune 100 company asked me to help them shift culture & increase customer loyalty (even though we hardly knew each other).

3. See how you can use my simple strategy for how I turned 1 speaking event into five more… opening the door for me to train 479 global leaders & visionaries.


Go here so you can gain practical, doable strategies & tips:
for thought leaders, speakers, trainers, authors,  coaches, consultants, and visionary leaders. >>