Instead of giving you a gift this year, I’m going to create A Holiday Twist.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed… this is the time of year that everyone on the internet wants to give you some kind of gift.
I like gifts.
And I like giving them too.
But instead of giving you a gift this year, I’m going to create A Holiday Twist.
I’m going to ask you for a gift.
If you’re reading this, please (thoughtfully) consider the following as a gift to me:

• Before the end of 2016, will you please donate some money, time, or both… to bringing more love and joy into this world?

• Will you ask others to do the same?


Because we’re not here to fight hate. We’re here to bring the love.
And there are a whole bunch of us with a whole lot of power, that comes from our hearts, from love…
Thanks for considering and Happy Holidays!

Influence With A Heart and Marketing With A Heart by Ben Gioia